
xkronus is Ken Cox. Ken, born some time ago, grew up in one place (San Antonio Texas) and moved to another after a spell (NYC). “He” pays for his day to day, month to month and year to year via a commercial photography studio he’s owned for over 20 years (Kronus Studio). The work here isn’t that though, it’s something else entirely. A lot of nature, a lot of man made elements, a lot of crossing over of the two. Is he writing this, is this “Ken” speaking? Yes, yes it is.

I’m uncomfortable with art speak, not via some self righteous aggrandizement against the art world but simply because I am not a citizen of that world. I started the commercial photography business as a means toward a more creative life also my ex needed photos of her jewelry line.

I feel strongly about making photos and do so most days, outside the studio.
